20 April 2007

Fearful Friday...

No, today isn't a fearful Friday. That's just the title of our latest blog challenge. I'm supposed to blog about a time I felt fear.

The one time that REALLY sticks out in my head is when Caleb was in Iraq for his first tour. He had been there for about 4 or 5 months, and there hadn't really been any incidents at that point, at least that I had been made aware of, of Blackhawks getting shot down. Well, one Saturday in November, it's all over the news that there was a Blackhawk from the 101st that had been shot down. And I knew Caleb had been flying that day. And I hadn't heard A SINGLE WORD from him in over 24 hours... no email, no instant messaging, no phone call... nothing. I tried really hard not to panic, but I also hadn't heard anything from the family readiness group that is supposed to notify us when things happen. I went to church the next morning, still not having heard anything. I actually had to leave church that day. I was so scared that something had happened to him. People knew our situation, and they were asking me if he was ok. I choked back tears as much as I could while telling people, "I don't know... I haven't heard from him." (Keep in mind that I'm 6 months pregnant and way too emotional already...) Finally I just started bawling and couldn't stop, so I left the one place where I actually could have probably found some peace. Although I think it was in God's plan for me to go home, though, because as soon as I got home, I got an instant message from Caleb. He was completely fine, although he knew the entire crew from the aircraft that was shot down. They were in the same battalion, just a different company. At the time I didn't know this, but they shut down all communication out of the areas where the soldiers are living. They do this so casualty information doesn't get leaked before the families are notified. Makes sense, but it doesn't help when you are one of the ones NEEDING information.

Anyway... that's my story for Fearful Friday.


  1. that is a definite FEAR! WOW! how scary for you! oh so happy he's home with you now!!! give him an extra hug!!

  2. Oh how scary!! You must be a very strong woman!

    So glad he's home with you now!!

  3. I honestly don't know how military spouses maintain strength during their husbands' deployments. Wow, Lynn - you are an amazing, very strong woman. Glad he's back, safe and sound.

  4. I can't imagine living with that kind of fear...you are one strong chick, for sure!

  5. It takes a strong wife to have her man in the military with all that is going on right now in the world. So glad that he made it home safe!!

  6. Oh, wow! I can't imagine something like that in my worst nightmares. You are one strong woman.

  7. wow...that had me crying....I can't even imagine the fear you must have felt!
