29 August 2008


That's the number for Poison Control. I have now officially called them twice. It's a dubious honor, I know, but one that I can claim as my own. I should add that I've called them twice for the same child. This is also the same child that tried to walk into traffic. (I still have nightmares about that) She worries me. Obviously not enough for several of these incidents to occur, but I'm not sure that even if I did walk around in a perpetual state of "nervous, hand-wringing, worried mother" that it would hinder her. Fortunately, I was told by David at Poison Control that her drinking about an ounce of children's Motrin was not going to be bad for her. It might cause an upset stomach, but that would be about it. I should add that about an ounce of children's Motrin is about 6 times what her normal dosage would be. Oh... I almost forgot to say how she drank it. I had opened the bottle and then remembered that I didn't have anything to measure it with, so I put the lid back on and left it on the table. I'm not sure if she's ultra-talented or if I just didn't tighten the lid properly (I'll accept the blame because I don't think she could swing the child-proof cap just yet in her early daredevil career) and when I walked back into the room she was swigging down the last few drops out of the bottle. I guess she was thirsty. Thank goodness it was less than 1/4 full. So yeah... raise your glass to congratulate me as Mother of the Year.


  1. Oh my! How scary, but hey, you turn your back for a moment and kidlets are quick as a whip, you can't have eyes in the back of your head. Hmmm, come to think of it, teenagers are quick as a whip too. Hope all is okay now. Glad to see you blogging, I've missed you.

  2. chica this sounds a familiar story in my house... trouble is I have two of the little dare devil buggers!

    and yeah guess who can open the childrens liquid pain killer! when Mummy is having a ditzy day and can't!!!!

