Rather than resolutions, I've decided to join the
One Little Word movement. I spent the entire last year of my life pretty much in survival mode with Caleb being in Afghanistan and me being the sole caregiver to four little girls and two dogs. I don't want to live like that anymore. Actually, I don't want to live like that ever again. It sucked. So now, my word is LIVE. I want to actually live every moment rather than just holding on and hoping I don't fall off the end of my rope.
It's easier now that he's home. He's been home for about three weeks. I probably should have blogged about it, but I was busy living. =)
I could have blogged about my one little word earlier... closer to January 1st, but I was busy living.
I could have made a list of resolutions that I'd follow for a little while, and I could have actually posted them on here, but I was busy living.
I could link you up to my 365 gallery, but I've been so busy living and taking photos of it everyday, that I haven't gotten them off my camera yet. Maybe tomorrow.
You catch my drift.
It's an exciting time for me, for sure. I've got lots of exciting things to share, so stay tuned. I'll post them when I'm not so busy living. ;)